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Example of 33/11kV on site assessment report

Example of 33/11kV on site assessment report Work completed at the time included the construction of the 33/11 kV substation switchgear facility, guardhouse, fencing, exterior lighting, and installation of two…

Example of 33/11kV on site assessment report
| 15 April 2023

Example of 33/11kV on site assessment report

Work completed at the time included the construction of the 33/11 kV substation switchgear facility, guardhouse, fencing, exterior lighting, and installation of two 33kV to 11kV transformers (31500 kVA), two auxiliary transformers, neutral grounding system, 11 kV switchgear, and 33 kV switchgear.
The installation of substation electrical equipment was completed prior to site assessment. High voltage power to the facility was not connected at the time of the visit. Therefore, operation of the systems could not be assessed.

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